Outdoor BBQ games
BBQ party at the backyard is a great opportunity to invite friends or neighbors. After enjoying snacks and drinks, it will be cool to have some activities not to get bored. The best outdoor BBQ game is QB54. It will provide a fun time. Your guests will practice in accuracy and agility. They will definitely like this dynamic and engaging game. This game is incredibly popular because it doesn’t require a specially equipped area, special skills, or physical fitness. Kids and adults will enjoy the game process.
QB54 is fun outdoor BBQ game
Thinking through the program of a barbecue party, a list of guests is usually compiled. For any other entertainment, it would be important who exactly will come to the party and take part in the competition. But this outdoor BBQ game is unique, because it is perfect for both adults and kids.
Simple rules, the absence of any special requirements allows people with different skills, abilities and physical fitness to play this awesome game. It doesn’t matter if you are a woman, a man or a kid – everyone will have a lot of fun with this barbecue entertainment!
What do you need for QB54 game?
The area behind the house, where barbecues are usually held, can be small. There is often a pool in the backyard, and there is very little room to play. But QB54 doesn’t require much space.
Any other entertainment requires special equipment, for example, the same goal posts. The outdoor BBQ game QB54 does not require much space, and its inventory is minimal and universal, and the competitions can be arranged almost anywhere!
The game set consists of following accessories:
- two camping chairs with a net at the bottom of each seat. Additionally, they are equipped with special goalposts, which are attached to the backrest. They are multi-functional and can easily support up to 275 pounds and are great for both playing and relaxing after a match;
- classic 9-inch rugby ball made of composite leather. There is a latex air chamber inside the ball. So, you can inflate it with a pump;
- a bag for equipment storage and transportation. QB54 set is very compact and won’t take up much space. You can take it with you for any occasion. For example, you can use QB54 as lawn games or BBQ party game.
During the game, additional accessories may be needed. The best outdoor BBQ game set also includes flags for fans to enjoy watching the game, special face masks, two referee flags, trucker hats, scoring kits and a set of field goalpost.
Based on 214 Customer Reviews
Black Game Set
🏈 QB54 is Taking the World By Storm! The Hottest Game on the Market!
🏈 Each Game Set is action-packed!Highly Addictive!
🏈 QB54 has all the elements of football without the CONCUSSIONS!
🏈 When finished form into 2 usable chairs that support up to 275 lbs each!

Where you can play QB54?
Outdoor barbecue games involve active movement, excitement and well-coordinated teamwork. QB54 combines all these aspects, which made it incredibly popular.
Today, it’s more than just an outdoor BBQ game. It is suitable for a lot of occasions. It’s an excellent outdoor picnic game. It is very interesting tailgating game. Moreover, it’s perfect option for active games somewhere along a riverbank. Thanks to the equipment compactness, you can take QB54 with you anywhere!
If you are going to have a picnic, take QB54 with you. Its equipment won’t take up much space. And you don’t need any special preparation for the game. You just need to find flat surface and place camping chairs opposite each other. Two camping chairs can be used for relaxation and enjoying snacks after the match.
Main rules of this game
This fun outdoor BBQ game requires very little space. A small flat area will be enough. You need to place camping chairs with the net opposite each other, with the distance of forty feet or less between them. Players can change the distance due to their preference and skills.
The game can be played by 2 or 4 players. In the first case, the players are playing from opposite sides. In the second, teammates are on opposite sides. Everyone takes turns throwing the ball into the opponent’s basket.
During the game, teams will have to switch sides, when the leading team gets 12, 24, 36 or 48 points. To win the game, you need to reach 54 point. However, even in this case, the game does not end: the losing team has one chance at redemption.
For this, subtract the winning score by the losing score to determine the number of steps. For example, if the losing team got 40 points, the player has to take 14 steps away from their goal. Then, the player turns around to face the opponent’s goal. After that, the player throws the ball into the basket. If a touchdown is thrown you win.
The scoring system of the game is quite simple. The team or player earns points for certain actions:
- hitting the chair on a fly earns 3 points;
- throwing ball into basket (touchdown) earns 6 point;
- kicking through goal posts earns one point;
- score touchdown, kick for extra point;
- if the ball bounces on the ground from the throw and lands in the basket, team or player gets 2 points;
- if a defensive player catches the ball that bounced off the chair before it hits the ground, the player gets 3 points.
During the game, additional accessories may be needed. The best outdoor BBQ game set also includes flags for fans to enjoy watching the game, special face masks, two referee flags, trucker hats, scoring kits and a set of field goalpost.

During the game, players are allowed to make laterals (sideways and backwards direction tosses). Laterals can be used to reach or to get closer to the opponent’s goal. Interceptions are also allowed. The player can block the opponent during the interception. In general, the outdoor BBQ game set has simple rules and a dynamic gameplay process. Even little kids can understand the essence of QB54 game.
QB54 was invented by two brothers, Michael and Frank Silva. They came up with the game in their childhood, using trash cans instead of goals. Many years later, the brothers decided that with a few changes and improvements to the game, it would be great fun for all occasions. And so it happened.
Now, many Americans have imbued with the idea of throwing a rugby ball into the basket built in a camping chair. This game is very popular and has a lot of fans. Professional football and basketball players also like this awesome football chair game. It is a great opportunity to train accuracy and agility.
Choose outdoor BBQ games and start your own competition!
How to entertain at outdoor BBQ?
It is very easy to have fun at an outdoor BBQ! All youneed to do is set up the QB54 game set, explain the rules to your friends, anddivide into two teams. You can play endlessly. Once you reach 54 points, youcan continue with a new round. You won’t need to come up with any moreentertainment ideas when the drinks and food run out. If you have this gameset, nobody will be bored!